Tuesday, September 4, 2012

multitudes on (monday) tuesday ~ sept. 4th

it is monday  tuesday...
a day to remember those gifts
i already have 
thanks to the gift giver.

580 those who work hard to make my life easier

581 taking risks in the studio

582 bear made egg sandwiches topped with fresh tomatoes he grew

583 a spouse wanting to catch the spark that began on a mountain top

584 Bible study that feeds my weary soul

585 being wrapped in forgiving arms after difficult words

586 reminders that relationship aren’t about perfection and all about loving one another in the middle of our messes

587 a relaxing and easy lunch with a sister in Christ

588 baking communion bread with a loved one for those we both love

589 empty inboxes

590 praying with a sister for our girls who are mamas

591 pictures of da baby on my phone

592 for the reminder of why i do what i do

593 hearing da bear giggle as he watches a video

594 fresh figs delivered to my doorstep

595 sleeping in with da bear and da beast on a rainy holiday

596 seeing a boy i love becoming a daddy to be proud of

597 remembering drying time is blessed

598 words of epiphany… “His way past is so beyond our wildest imagination that it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a matter of making us happy right here and now. His kingdom purposes are so beyond. They are so grand and are being worked out in such a way that they might be beyond our mental capacity to comprehend.” ~Phyllis Shirer

599 morning glories wrapping around fall tomatoes

what are you thankful for?
won't you link up with ann and friends at a holy experience and share yours too?
it is amazing how much we have to be grateful for, yes?

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